Louth Royal British Legion Hall

Sketch of Louth British Legion Photo of the front of Louth British Legion Hall

The future of Louth's Royal British Legion Hall is uncertain.

Standing centrally in our lively market town is the British Legion Hall. The Legion hall has hosted Louth's social life and has been the unassuming hub of our town for generations. Birthday parties, wedding receptions, band nights, craft fairs and blood donations are the core of activities that give life to the Legion Hall.

With disabled access, nearby parking, and all amenities necessary for hosting an array of events, the Louth Legion Hall is unmatched locally in providing a highly usable space for our community.

The Royal British Legion HQ have closed the hall and taken control away from the local committee. Significant building work is needed to make the building fit for use and so the Royal British Legion will most likely sell the hall soon.

Can anything be done to save Louth Legion hall?

We are a group of local people, passionate about preventing Louth from losing another community hall, and who want to keep the hall and expand its use for the local community.

We are exploring funding possibilities to purchase and take the hall into community ownership, to develop a community centre and arts space for Louth.

One useful step would be to have the hall listed as an 'Asset of Community Value' with East Lindsey District Council (ELDC), an application has been made, so contact your local town, district (ELDC), and county councillor and make sure they are aware.

We need to...

  • Prove that the hall is already an asset to the local community.
  • Show how the hall has been used in the past.
  • Show who has used the hall and who will use it in the future.
  • Help to inform what the future uses of the hall should be, if taken into community ownership.
  • Support the case for saving and keeping the hall in use for the local community.